Our Akron Hope program provides resources for students at Mason CLC and Helen Arnold CLC to succeed academically and emotionally, and provides opportunities to connect families to stable housing, livable waged jobs, and each other.

While functioning as a community partner that also provides holistic support to school staff – we choose to invest our time and resources into people – helping our neighborhood school become a place of family and relational stability.

Children are better positioned for success if their neighborhoods have quality schools, accessible job opportunities, and safe places for recreation. Lack of stable housing is linked to chronic absenteeism, low test scores, low parent involvement, and classroom turnover. It can discourage students from graduating from high school, prevents upward economic mobility over the long-term, and hinders families from growing lasting community connections that are imperative for physical and mental health. Through the Akron Hope program, The Well CDC seeks to decrease the 61% mobility rate at Mason CLC to 50% over the next 3 years.


“Historically, Mason CLC had low parent and family turnout for school events, such as family nights, concerts, and parent teacher conferences. While staff would plan for engaging and meaningful occasions the best they could within our allowable school resources, it was often a disappointment that the turnout would be low. Since partnering with Akron Hope over the last several years, we have seen a steady increase in parent involvement and attendance at school events has more than doubled. I attribute this increase to the manpower and resources that Akron Hope and its volunteers are able to provide. They give us the gifts of time, thoughtful planning, meals, home good supplies, games, activities and so much more. Having these experiences that appeal to families provides them with a well-rounded family night that will have them wanting to attend more and more. Akron Hope helps us add value and purpose relevant to our families lives to all our in-school specialty events.” 

– Renee Kochis, Mason CLC Principal (2023) 


Walk or drive up – all are welcome!

Are you or a loved one in need of grocery assistance? The Well CDC partners with the Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank to host a free monthly Pop Up Pantry at Mason CLC!

3rd Thursday of every month

7:45am - 9:45am

Mason CLC parking lot | Located at 700 E. Exchange St.

February 20

March 20

April 17

May 15

June 19

2025          DATES

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The Well CDC invests in people
through the built environment.

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   (330) 815-1062

  647 E. Market St. Akron, OH 44304